Hello My GoatNotes Followers, Readers, Supporters!

I have been quiet in this space for many months now, but I see you all have not been! I love the e-mails and comments I have received through this blog lately. Thank you!

I want to invite you all to partake in my new adventure over on my new blog and website: www.cutoutsstudio.com

In the last several years I have gained the courage needed to launch my very own- full-fledged art business and I am excited to share it with all of you. I will keep GoatNotes Up and running so you may still have access to the DIY and other favorite posts here on this space.

But I would love for you to hop over to www.cutoutsstudio.com  to see what I am up to these days.

This year in 2015 I am embarking on an ambitious project where I make a new paper cut work of art every day for 365 days. Each day the paper cut is based on a daily intention that I set through journal writing that I do every morning. I encourage you to check out the new site, my new work, and my new way of sharing creativity with the world.

Hope to see you over there!

New in the Shop & A Fall Gift for YOU

The fall equinox is around the corner. Have you started to plant your fall garden? To celebrate the change in season I have updated the shop with a few new items including these sweet cards based on my original papercuts. All were inspired by my wanderings in the wild hills around my house, or by the memories of sitting in my Grandmother's garden in Maryland before heading back to California at the end of summer.

They warm my heart and I hope they will warm yours too. Right now if you go and like my Facebook page you can get access to a 10% off your entire order starting now through September 17th. I have some special Halloween inspired works that I will be sharing here soon too.

What are your favorite aspects of fall?

GIVEAWAY// Win a Back to School Book Pocket Mommy by Aila Malik

We start back to school this week, and making that transition is often a difficult one for my son. Since he is home with me most of the time, it is challenging for him to be away from his mama and from his home for long periods of time without feeling anxious. He got some practice of being away from home this summer when he attended a 4 week day camp  (he was gone every day from 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday-Friday for a month!). How I wish I had had Aila Malik's book  Pocket Mommy earlier in the summer to help him through that transition, but I am so grateful to have received a copy recently to help us with our next transition of back to school.

In the book Pocket Mommy Zayan is preparing for his first day of kindergarten. He is anxious about the new experience and not sure what to expect. Most of all he feels sad that he is going to be away from his mom. Zayan is a lucky boy because his mom is one smart lady. She crafts a small paper doll of herself and gives it to Zayan to tuck into his pocket and take to school with him. Zayan is able to pull out his pocket mommy whenever he needs encouragements, to ease his anxiety, or to feel a little connection to his mom when he is feeling homesick.

My son loved the story. We are working on our own little pocket mommy for him to take with him on his first day of school. And, you know what dear readers? Aila Malik sent me a copy to give away to one of you! All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

To enter just use the entry form below.

This giveaway will run through August 29 2014 and is open to GoatNotes readers and Fans of CutOut Studio worldwide.  The winner will be randomly chosen and announced here shortly after. 

Thanks again to Aila and Zayan for giving GoatNotes readers the chance to win this amazing book!  Good luck!

You can purchase your own copy of Aila's book from Amazon. Just follow the link below. Please note I am an Amazon affiliate and will make a small commission off of your purchase.

My 4 Favorite Art Business Podcasts

Yeah, that's me (yes I am taking a selfie) with no make-up rock'n my headphones as I get podcast smart

I am not going to lie. I listen to a lot of podcasts. This is mostly because I do a lot of work on the computer and I work from home, so I get lonely. Is it weird that I kind of feel like I know some of these people? I like to pretend that they are my friends. Okay, I know they are not my friends but it would be really cool if they were!

In the last year I have been scouring the internet and iTunes for some of the best podcasts about art and business. This was no easy task. There are plenty of podcasts about being an entrepreneur or how to make a million bucks (Eventual Millionaire is pretty awesome even if she doesn't focus on art businesses).

For some reason there is this belief that artists and business don't go together. Artists are "too flighty" to carry out a solid and well run business, at least this is what I hear often, and often from the mouths of artists! I am here to say that this is not- and does not- have to be true.  Here are my favorite podcasts that debunk the whole "starving artist" mentality.

Here are my 4 Favorite Art Business Podcasts:

1. Creative Insurgence- Cory Huff and Melissa Dinwiddi provide stellar interviews with successful artists and tackle that age old conundrum "starving artist" head on.

2. Jess Lively Show- Jess interviews some amazing entrepreneurs with a bent towards artful businesses. I especially loved the Whitney English episode. It is authentic and vulnerable and provides some true gems of wisdom.

3. The Fresh Rag Show- Dave is a straight talker and gets the dirt on what it means to be a working artist. His interviews are insightful and thought provoking.

4. After the Jump- Grace Bonney the creator of Design*Sponge hosts this well put-together podcast. Through insightful interviews with designers and artists Grace is able to pull out information and guidance for all those of us artists just getting started with ease.

Do you have a favorite art business podcast? Or business related podcast you just can't get enough of? Let me know in the comments. I will generate a whole list to share on the blog.



Inspiration Fridays

Oprah must be God

Once a week I keep an eye out for little gems of wisdom to keep my heart full and my head happy. I will share the ones that lingered with me longer and made me catch my breath for a second. You know when this happens to you. It's like Karma, or spirit, or the universe, or God, or whomever you choose- touching your shoulder and giving you a polite nudge to stay focused on the present. Get out of your head for a moment. and live.

This week, as I was sitting in a very cramped child's picnic table at the park, and somewhat lamenting that I wasn't getting to do what I wanted to do, I adjusted my coffee cup sleeve and Oprah gave me a big ol' slap of reality. Yeah, thanks Oprah. You are totally right. I stopped lamenting and started playing with my daughter- and really did begin to enjoy my wood chip cookies.

Happy Weekend everyone!




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