Why I Blog

A reminder (to myself) why I spend so much time in this space

Over the weekend my husband and I had a lot of time to talk. Something we haven't had much time for in the recent month. He asked me, "So, why do you blog?" I gave him a quick answer of something along the lines of, "well, because it's fun," and moved on. I didn't think much of it at first, but that question just  lingered in the back of my mind. Then I read a post by After Nine to Five and decided I needed  to take a step back. Think. and give an honest answer from my heart.

So, here's why I blog:

  • Because it is fun.
  • So I will  remember such moments like this one and this one
  • To bring peace, refocus and intention into my life
  • So I may share in and learn from a like-minded community
  • To make friends and meet people I would never have the privlage of meeting in daily life, such as this awesome person, and this person
  • To inspire myself and hopefully others
  • To broaden me as a person, expand my horizons and work on a skill I enjoy
  • Because it helps me feel brave enough to share my creations, my dreams, my life. 
  • To document my ideas, recipes and all things that make my life worth living.
So why do you blog?


  1. This weekend, my husband and I reflected about blogging as a discipline, too.
    Synchronicity! :)

    I'd have to say: I blog to help keep me accountable for goals I set for myself. "Exposing" a creative goal in the blog, then logging in the progress as my working on an idea brings it to fruition, helps me stay focused and excited about the project.

  2. Hi Weird Amiga! This is so true! Nothing better to hold one accountable when you know you are planning to share it with the world. I know I have gotten a lot better at taking pictures since I began blogging. We have so many more memories captured that would have gone unnoticed if it wasn't for this wee blog (:

  3. Thanks for sharing that! I really like that you said it helps you feel brave enough to share things. Blogging (and selling on Etsy) has definitely given me confidence that I have/know something of value that others might be able to learn from. Very humbling!

  4. I started this blog as a way to share about my etsy store, but my goals extend beyond that to improving my writing, recording progress, and connecting with others. Plus I pay attention and take pictures now that I have a forum to share them.

  5. Hi Tricia- Right?! I mean, it takes guts to put yourself out there! It is truly a humbling experience. Thank you for sharing in this space today (:

    Hi Tinted Green- So glad you popped in today! Isn't blogging great for expanding yourself and garnering new skills? I know I have learned so much by blogging regularly. Thanks for sharing!



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