10 Really Good Things Right Now

1. Job(s) Satisfaction
2. Lunch dates in the City
3.Painting The Sidewalk (more on this next week!)
4. More Tomatoes!
5. Playing With Chalk
6. The Laundry is ALL DONE!...for now.
7. Reading: The Professor's House
8. Walks with Friends
9. E Discovers Blackberries
10. Learning that it's OK to put some things off until tomorrow.


  1. Oooh! Sidewalk painting? Sounds like fun...can't wait to see that post! I'm working on the realization that things can be put off until tomorrow also...not everything has to be done right now! It's a work in progress :)

  2. Excited to read about the sidewalk painting! I don't even have a wee one and I'm pretty excited... :P Sea Marie

  3. Hi you two! So happy you are excited for the sidewalk painting. Um, yes, so I had a BLAST painting the sidewalk too. Excited to share it with everyone here. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!



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