Solo Aqui: Waiting

We are in a bit of a holding pattern with this whole move-thing. Let me just say, waiting is not one of my strong suits. I am, unfortunately, not always the most patient person I could be. So what are we waiting for?

  • Waiting for our loan to fully process
  • Waiting to hold that Yard Sale I talked about a month ago?
  • Waiting to completely throw my entire life into boxes
  • Waiting to sell certain furniture pieces
  • Waiting to talk to certain people to schedule a time to visit them (Ack! No idea when this will happen!)
  • Waiting to go on any shopping sprees(like this would ever happen, but I since can't do it right now,  I sort of want to go um, shopping for shoes).
  • Waiting to make plans for Thanksgiving
  • Waiting, waiting...waiting.
This process of waiting has made me a little antsy. So, I said, screw this living like a crazy nomad out of a box. I need flowers. Since, you know, flowers fix everything (right?). And since, I have packed most of my vases I rummaged through the recycling bin, and found a jar that was mostly clean. Marched myself out to my yard and scavenged for the brightest, happiest bunch of petals I could find. Filled that jar with water and tossed those lovely late summer blooms in. Ahhh...suddenly it's not as hard to wait when there are flowers on the table. 

What have you been waiting for lately?


  1. I hate waiting, especially in the moving process. When I know I'm going to be moving, I want to do it NOW. It's tiring to just have your life on hold!

  2. I sympathize with you completely, my family and I are in a very similiar waiting situation. We're waiting to find out if we'll be moving in the next couple weeks - it's so very hard. Lots of things get put on hold.

    I wish you and your family much luck! Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer.



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